Awakening with Gina Charles

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Sing And Dance Lately?

Let’s take a look at where are our specific wants come from. Do you want to be a basketball star because you are attracted to the prestige and respect you believe you’d get? Or, do you want to play basketball because when you do, time stops, and you feel more alive and elated than ever?Wouldn’t it be a kick in the pants to be so busy working your butt off trying to be that great basketball star, that you never discover that painting portraits makes your heart sing?

The mind makes major decisions based upon what our, often hidden, core beliefs and desires are. Peel back the onion of your desire and discover it's core.

The car, the house, the promotion is not the thing we are really after to begin with. Even though we believe we are damn sure of it, right down to the make and model number. Cars, houses, and promotions are just the kind of things the thinking mind assigns to our core desires. Core desires for things like prestige, security and respect. There is nothing “wrong” with that. If you are not attached to having a thing, and you simply admire it, thinking you could have a lot of fun with it, then go for it. The point is, it’s helpful to determine if your mind is really after something that you were unaware of.Ask yourself why you want something. When you get that answer, ask why again, and again. This line of questioning will peel back your onion. If you discover a core belief that is based on untruths, or resistance to what is, you now have a chance to free yourself from it. You are now free to feel your way toward desires that serve as guidance to your best life.What are your CORE desires? What makes your heart sing? Do your core desires coincide with what makes your heart sing?Let your heart sing like no one's listening, and your soul will dance like no one's watching. :) [fblike]