How To Summon The Universe


Is there some kind of incantation or metaphysical bat signal to summon help from the Universe? Is there a way to call forth Providence and his sister Serendipity to ask for a leg up?

There is something that I can do to tap into the support and guidance of the Universe. It’s an innate ability, one often underused and overlooked.

It is overlooked because most of the time, most of our attention and focus is caught up in the whirlwind of unmonitored thinking and rote behaviors.

It is in this unaware, unconscious state, submersed in unnoticed, unexamined thought and beliefs, that the mind’s reasoning lures us away from activating our power and the power of the Universe.

Luckily, reasoning does not equal Truth.

So what is this magnificent miracle-launcher?



Yes, self-kindness. The simple thing so easy to understand, and yet so seemingly difficult to do. Have you ever contemplated what your life might be like if you treated yourself as you do your most beloved? You’d approach everything with your highest good in mind, not like you’re trying to get away with it, but like it’s your job, your right, your privilege.

Don’t let the mind reason you away from your own power by spewing its fear-based reasoning on why you should make an unkind choice for yourself. If you get the short end of the stick it should never be on purpose.

Give it a try. Start small. Baby step your way to being self-kind, self-considerate. You have nothing to lose by trying it.

What you will gain is a trustworthy, I’ve-got-your-back relationship with Self. The kind that bumps this human experience up to a human adventure. An adventure rife with miracles, and helpful people, places and things, in a Universe that rises to meet you.

Choosing what is self-kind, summons the Universe.

Providence and his sister Serendipity ride in on the wind, asking what took you so long.


Sprinkle a little of THAT on each day, and let the magic begin.



Today I will choose FOR myself, in Awareness and self-kindness.


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Gina Charles

Spiritual awakening and authentic living with Gina Charles.

Which Reality Are You Experiencing?


What is Awakening and Authentic Living?